Innovation for success

Do you have an idea, but don’t know where to take it? Are you interested in running your own company someday? Maybe you have an invention that you want to use for the greater good? If so, the Student Innovation Center was created for you!

Whether through participating in one of our innovation events, enrolling in the innovation minor, meeting with one of our mentors, or taking advantage of our many collaborative spaces on campus, you can make your idea a reality!

Latest events

Jag Challenge Innovation Sprint

August 16–20, 2021

Innovators are . . .

Traditional entrepreneursThey take ideas and make a business out of it. These startups can be truly disruptive or serve a common need in society.

Social entrepreneursThey solve social, cultural, and environmental issues.

IntrapreneursThey help corporations and organizations innovate within their own operations.

Civic innovatorsThey improve how society works in new ways. At IU Indianapolis, they pursue ideas to help Indianapolis and beyond.

Discover the process of innovation

From how you think to what you do, innovation happens in stages. Find out what's involved in the process.

  • Entrepreneurial mindset: Learn how to grow yourself as someone who can innovate and come up with new ideas.
  • Empathy: By putting yourself in another's shoe, you can develop solutions that make maximum impact.
  • Ideation: Take insights from those around you to understand the problem and the unique solutions to those problems.
  • Collaboration: Learn how to work with others in a diverse setting and work toward a common goal.

In partnership with

We want to thank Elevate Ventures for their continued partnership through the Elevate Nexus grant, which has provided funding to launch the Student Innovation Center.