Fred Anderson
Not-for-profit and social start-ups
Mentorship and support can help you bring your dream to life. Our mentors come from all walks of life and diverse career fields. Some work at IU Indianapolis; many work throughout the city of Indianapolis. One thing all of our mentors have in common: they're eager to work with you and to support your vision.
We have some of the best faculty, staff, and community members who are ready to help you. Check out their areas of expertise. If you're interested in connecting with them, contact us.
Fred Anderson
Not-for-profit and social start-ups
Barb Cutillo
Entrepreneurship and start-up
Youngbok Hong
Design thinking
Lou Lenzi
Human-computer interaction
David Pierce
Sports innovation
Hamid Piroozi
Patent and law
Christian Rogers
Tech, media, and education
Todd Saxton
Market evaluation and entrepreneurship
Geoff Sherman
Sports innovation
Zeb Wood
Tech and media